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2025 Life-Work Melbourne Conference


  Examining Life's Fundamental Struggles through Problems in Everyday Life

What are the problems in everyday Life? Difficult parent-child relations, husband-wife relationships, relationships with parents in the original family, emotional distress…etc. What are the fundamental struggles in life? The inability to love, to experience one’s self-worth, one’s inner feelings and lack of capacity to take care of one’s needs in life.

You are cordially invited to explore and learn

Together at the Melbourne Conference

During this conference, you will have the chance to:

★ Hear and be heard, share and be supported through life stories, struggles and freedom from

childhood experiences.

★ Construct a 3-generation genogram, examine relationships, share feelings and emotions in a safe


★ Connect with your family system with compassion and respect

★ Increase self-empowerment by practicing inner listening and inner dialogues

★ Move forward with insights and understanding to make positive changes in your life

● Conference Programs include:

keynote speech, workshops, inner listening, group sharing.

● Language:


Simultaneous interpretation in English provided

● Date:   

2025. 15 – 16 February (Sat&Sun)

9 AM - 5 PM


● Venue: Armagh

226 Kooyong Road, Toorak Vic 3142, Melbourne

● Conference Fee:

299 AUD /per person 1500 RMB /per person

(inclusive of lunch for both days of the conference)

If a couple register together, the second person will enjoy a 50% discount

150 AUD (750 RMB)

● Payment Method

● Registration form (Google Forms)

● Contact us:

WhatApp: +886 912176086

Disclaimer: The Melbourne Conference invites participants to reflect on their own lives, and for some people, this may involve connecting with painful past experiences. Each workshop has trained Life-Worker who can offer support as needed, but please note that is not therapy and is not a substitute for therapy.

At all times you are responsible for your own health and mental health and must decide whether The Conference is appropriate for you.

After the two-day conference, there will be 1-2 opportunities,

(dates to be confirmed )

For friends who are interested in life:

* One on Ones with Ren -Jou Liu

* Life Work - what is it and how can it be practiced

* How to go further in life

* How to go deeper in life

* Q&A: Any questions about "Personal Life" or "Life-Work"

By Judy Huang (Melbourne)

I began to know Mr. Ren-Jou Liu when I became acquainted with Ms. Blossom Xia.

The first time I met Blossom was in 2019 in Melbourne when she just returned from her training as a life-worker with the Chinese in Action. I was rather curious what life work was all about, could there be such a group of people who would dedicate themselves to the care and service of the life of others?

I summoned up my courage to join the Nanjing Conference in the end of 2023. It was an experience of a lifetime. Feeling touched and amazed, I found healing in the conference.

In one of the cases he dealt with during the conference, Mr Liu told the participant: ‘Being fast is a sickness, it has to be cured!’ As a person who had been acting fast all my life, I was awestruck. This teaching of Mr Liu has been my greatest help this year.

By Lin Xiaoqun (Fuzhou)

I joined the Fuzhou Conference some years ago where I witnessed a group of people who, with their unconditional love, shared with us their life stories and led us to listen to our inner voice.

I was rather curious about who they were and later realized they were a group of life-workers led by Mr Ren-Jou Liu.

In the process of learning from them, I experienced for the first time what was unconditional permission and acceptance. I also experienced for the first time the wonder of life.

From what was a "crying baby", I am now an ‘adult’ empowered with the ability to accompany myself.

I am also committed to help as far as I can those people who are as lost and helpless as I was.

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